© Copyright Bio- & Wellnesshotel PAZEIDER
Nörder-Strasse 32
I - 39020 Marling
Tel.: +390473448740
Fax: +390473446225
MwSt-Nr: IT 03042070213
SteuerNr: KFLSPH69B10F132A
Mandatory information according to EU Regulation No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) of the European Commission:
Dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR): You can find our email address in the imprint above.
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Travel Cancellation Insurance
PS. On our own behalf and perhaps also of importance to you!And what if something happens? Something can always happen! You are looking forward to a wonderful, carefree holiday and then suddenly something comes up. In addition to the unpleasant cause, there are also cancellation costs.
Our recommendation: The PAZEIDER all-round carefree package with travel cancellation insurance protects you from additional costs. Please instruct us or let us know briefly by email or telephone and we will advance the premium of just €25.00 per adult and €13 per child for you.
Cancellation conditions of the Bio- & Wellnesshotel PAZEIDER according to the regulations of the Hotel Gastwirte Verband Südtirol - HGV:In case of cancellations within the last 28 days prior to departure, the following cancellation fees will be charged to you without travel cancellation insurance:
For reservations with breakfast 80% of the total amount will be charged. For reservations with half board, 70% of the total amount will be charged. In the event of premature cancellation, all unused days of the travel arrangement incl. board portion will be charged.
These costs are fully covered by the PAZEIDER all-round carefree package at a premium of just €25.00 per adult and €13 per child.
We propose to take out this cancellation insurance for you. This means that we will take care of the formalities and advance the premium for you. The settlement of the same will then take place with us on arrival in cash in the sum of only € 25.00 per adult and € 13 per child.
All you have to do is contact us by phone (0039 0473 448740) or by e-mail (
Cost increases due to hotel renovations or expansion of services are possible and can also be communicated for bookings already confirmed up to 60 days before arrival. The guest can then cancel or reconfirm the booking free of charge.
Cancellation conditions:
Insured reasons for trip cancellation / trip interruption
The following events are insured reasons for trip cancellation or trip interruption if you are unexpectedly unable to start the trip or have to cancel it:unexpected serious illness, serious accidental physical injury, vaccine intolerance or death; loosening of implanted joints; unexpected serious illness, serious accidental injury or death (including suicide) of a family member, if this makes your presence urgently necessary; Pregnancy, if this was discovered after booking the trip, or severe pregnancy complications up to and including the 35th week of pregnancy; significant material damage to your property at the place of residence as a result of an act of God (e.g. flood, storm), fire, burst water pipe or criminal act by a third party, if this makes your presence urgently necessary is; loss of job due to termination by the employer through no fault of one's own; Calling up for basic military or community service; Filing of the divorce suit or, in the case of registered civil partnerships, the filing of the dissolution suit before the spouses/civil partners travel together; Dissolution of the civil partnership (with the same registration address for 6 months) by giving up the shared residence before the partner travels together;Failure to pass the school leaving examination or a similar final examination of at least 3 years of school education;Arrival of an unexpected court summons. Family members include spouses (or registered life partners or partners living in the same household), children (step-children, grandchildren-in-law, foster-children), parents (step-children, grandparents-in-law, foster-children), siblings and brothers-in-law /Sister-in-law of the insured person - in the case of a registered life partner or partner living in the same household, also their children, parents and siblings.
Concept and design: MERAKI The Studio
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TV Marling
Xavier von Erlach
Foto von Mauro Grazzi
Foto von Markus Spiske
Foto von Hendrik Morkel